Each new year begins with the implementation of new Dangerous Goods regulations. Here’s a summary of which new editions of those regulations will be effective starting from 2023.
On January 1st, 2023, the 64th edition of the IATA DGR manual for the shipment of dangerous goods by air has been implemented.
For what concerns the ADR, RID, and ADN manuals (for the carriage of dangerous goods by road, rail, and inland waterways respectively), the 2021 editions will remain valid until June 30th, while the new 2023 editions will become mandatory starting from July 1st, 2023 (ADR 2023, RID 2023, and ADN 2023).
We would like to remind you that on June 1st, 2022, the new 40-20 amendment of the IMDG Code for the maritime transport of dangerous goods came into force, and it will remain valid for the entirety of 2023.