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Foam and absorbing pads: discovering new materials for Safe&Clean UN-certified 4GV boxes.

Vermiculite is the name of an absorbing and cushioning material that is normally used inside UN-certified 4GV boxes. This kind of boxes, in order to comply with the certification, must be used following the specifications written on the test report, which concerns not only instructions about absorbing and cushioning material, but also about minimum distances between inner packaging and box walls, bottom and lid, about the maximum gross weight of inner packaging and package, and about sealing type.

Vermiculite: pros and cons

What about vermiculite, then? We’ve already seen its technical features together: mineral-based, it comes as scales or grains made of microchannels and closed cells, which make it suitable to absorb shocks and liquids and, therefore, ideal to be used as filling material for UN-certified 4GV boxes for the shipment of dangerous goods.

Nevertheless, vermiculite also presents some disadvantages. Especially if used in the long run, it can affect the dangerous goods shipped with it, and the people handling them, because of the dust that it releases naturally. Despite this, vermiculite has always been used and will always be, because it still is a very good absorbing and cushioning material.

The innovative system of Safe&Clean UN-certified 4GV boxes

If vermiculite is so performing, why should we change it? Thorough research of new solutions, innovative materials, optimization and improvement of packaging, safety, and cleanness are at the base of this innovative solution. That is why we decided to develop this new line of UN-certified 4GV boxes and call it “Safe&Clean”. Safe, because the best standards of safety in transportation are met; and clean, because the absorbing materials used instead of vermiculite cannot ruin or dirt the shipped goods.

How is it possible? Easy: Sender and consignee will only have to use the useful kit given within Safe&Clean boxes, and never have to worry about the integrity of transported goods, about the cleanness of working space and people, and the related expenses to solve these issues. What is this kit made of? Why is it so useful? Let’s find it out together!

Absorbing pads for all sorts of liquids

First, we introduce here absorbing pads, the best solution to absorb any possible leaking and spilling of liquids from inner packaging. Specifically, the Safe&Clean UN-certified 4GV box kits contain pads, which can absorb acid, caustic, and corrosive substances, as well as chemical agents and unknown liquids. And because they work by capillary action, our pads can absorb very quickly big amounts of liquids.

Let’s see now how they are made. The base and upper part are 100% polypropylene and, due to an upper and lower layer of FineFibre material, these pads can absorb acid, caustic, corrosive substances, chemical agents, and unknown liquids quickly, and at once.

Therefore, absorbing pads given within Safe&Clean UN-certified 4GV boxes’ kits respond to the features of absorbing material requested for “V” packaging.

Cushioning material: SR foam

This special foam with specific density, resistance and performance is called SR foam. Its rate of deflection under loading is extremely low. Also, due to its chemical and physical features, it can absorb vibration and shocks, and therefore guarantees high standards of safety and protection of goods.

Not only: SR foam is also fire retardant, very light (and therefore reduces shipping costs), clean (no need of using PPEs), and recyclable. Finally, SR foam responds to the standards of cushioning material requested for V packaging.

All these features bring along advantages that are not possible to enjoy when using vermiculite: not only safe and clean but also light and easy to use. The quality and standards of your shipments will definitely improve.

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